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Text Písně: Loaded Gun - Dionysus

Text Písně - Loaded Gun - Dionysus Text Písně - Loaded Gun - Dionysus
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Karaoke k Písni - Loaded Gun - Dionysus Karaoke k Písni - Loaded Gun - Dionysus

There is thunder ahead
I just want you to know this
My eyes will be set on you
Because you are my game today

I know your face, know the life you live
I know enough, let your fears ride on free
I'll bring you down, soon you'll know

You cannot hide cause I know where you are
I read the fear in your eyes
Just like an open book
I'll find a way to take back what is mine
I'll be your foe and I will fight
Just like a loaded gun

Revenge is all mine
I just want you to know this
Cause life ain't a game no more
Lightning is waiting to strike

Can you hear Heaven calling out your name
A choir of angels taking home their claim
Defeat is near now, my friend

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dionysus:

Dionysus - Pouring Rain
Dionysus - Anthem (For The Children)
Dionysus - Holy War
Dionysus - Time Will Tell
Dionysus - Sign Of Truth

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dionysus:

Dionysus - Key Into The Past
Dionysus - Don't Forget
Dionysus - Walk On Fire
Dionysus - Never Wait

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