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Hudební skupiny > A > Aborted > Engineering The Dead

Text Písně: Engineering The Dead - Aborted

Text Písně - Engineering The Dead - Aborted Text Písně - Engineering The Dead - Aborted
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Karaoke k Písni - Engineering The Dead - Aborted Karaoke k Písni - Engineering The Dead - Aborted

Stroke of twelve rings out
Deep within the grave a shout
Scraping coffin lids beneath rorulent soil
Resuscitation of moral coil
Artifical rebirth
Shaking off the dust and earth
Resurgence from beyond the grave

Necrotomy of the long decayed

Haematobic corpse machines
Vivifying deceased human beings

Contrivance implantation
Nucleus of resurrection

Resecting mouldered viscara
Rabidly refining my cacaesthesia

Rapacity of man
The hunger of the damned

Stench of rotting flesh
Guts torn out of heaving chest
Carnal gluttony feeds the hecatomb
Earth gradually succumbs

Další písničky hudební skupiny Aborted:

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