Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > A > Aborted > The Inertia

Text Písně: The Inertia - Aborted

Text Písně - The Inertia - Aborted Text Písně - The Inertia - Aborted
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Videoklip k Písni - The Inertia - Aborted Videoklip k Písni - The Inertia - Aborted
Karaoke k Písni - The Inertia - Aborted Karaoke k Písni - The Inertia - Aborted

Watch it scream
Eyelids scrutinize in this portrait of idolatry and rot
Her body so fragile
Now in post-mortal hands
I am retouching the essence of feminine refinement

All soothing scalpel guideth me to my vision
The era of the vane killed the beauty of creation

Paralyzed with awe
Your face
A canvas

Blooming like a cancer
Narcissistic nightmare
Maleficient and repulsed at your own sight

Eyelids scrutinize in this portrait of idolatry and rot
Her body so fragile
Now broken by my hands
I am retouching to the essence of repulsion

What is vanity but a shell yearning to be cracked
A shattered dream chased by the misfortuned

Aging atrociously
Accelerated by a vision of skin consumed

The era of the vane killed the beauty of creation
Blatant display of plasticine horror

And the big mass is impressed
You are so beautiful
Crafted by the finest hands
Torn apart by the finest tools
Put back together like a menstrual soup

You are so beautiful
Lit disgust to my eyes at dusk
Your are so pitiful
Your face tainted and deformed

Eyelids scrutinize
In this portrait of idolatry and rot
Her body so fragile
Now broken by my hands
I am retouching in a tell-tale of drama caught

Další písničky hudební skupiny Aborted:

Aborted - The Gangrenous Epitaph
Aborted - Hecatomb
Aborted - Gestated Rabidity
Aborted - Blood Fixing The Bled
Aborted - Dead Wreckoning

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Aborted:

Aborted - Descend To Extirpation
Aborted - Voracious Haemoglobinic Syndrome
Aborted - Threading On Vermillion Deception
Aborted - A Cold Logistic Slaughter

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