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Hudební skupiny > A > Aborted > Dead Wreckoning

Text Písně: Dead Wreckoning - Aborted

Text Písně - Dead Wreckoning - Aborted Text Písně - Dead Wreckoning - Aborted
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Enter the archaic abattoir...

Exiled to a pernicious wasteland
My gray matter a thirst
Compelled to restore my deathcamp
Love for surgery in me

A man made predator revealed amidst
The last moiety of humanity in me is stripped
Feeding of a defunct social mess
Enumerate the dead left for you to explore

Abhorrent studies set forth in the abattoir
Intrinsic desecration of a fetid cadaver
Hormones the katalyst of this orgy of the damned
A murderous contempt for science is disclosed

Who am I when push comes to shove?
A madman investing exanimate matters to descry anatomical enigmae?
Or to deride what he has fathered

Abhorrent studies set forth in the abattoir
Intrinsic desecration until death ensues
Nurture the pain which releaves defecation
Degradation of humanity is now exhauled

Exiled to a pernicious wasteland
My mesogenic gray matter a thirst compelled to restore my deathcamp
An illusive love for surgery in me

A man made predator revealed amidst
The last moiety of humanity in me is stripped
Feeding of a defunct social mess
Enumerate the dead left for you to enjoy

Další písničky hudební skupiny Aborted:

Aborted - Nemesis
Aborted - Sea Of Cartilage
Aborted - Medical Deviance
Aborted - Clinical Colostomy
Aborted - Charted Carnal Effigy

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Aborted:

Aborted - Descend To Extirpation
Aborted - Voracious Haemoglobinic Syndrome
Aborted - Threading On Vermillion Deception
Aborted - A Cold Logistic Slaughter
Aborted - The Inertia

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