Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 10cc > I Took You Home

Text Písně: I Took You Home - 10cc

Text Písně - I Took You Home - 10cc Text Písně - I Took You Home - 10cc
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Karaoke k Písni - I Took You Home - 10cc Karaoke k Písni - I Took You Home - 10cc

I looked at your face somehow I knew
Nothing could tear me away
You started to smile and I was lost
Fumbling for something to say
I took you home, you took me in
I knew I'd never be the same again
Baby, isn't it funny how it started
Well you know

The windows were frosty and grey
But we didn't notice the cold
Wrapped in the warmth of your body
Hoping this dream would never go
I took you home, you took me in
I knew I'd never be the same again
Baby, isn't it funny how it started
Well you know

Your folks were sleeping soundly upstairs
We couldn't really turn on the light
So I stumbled and we fell in the dark
I could have died
It's crazy to remember all the reasoning
I wonder if the memory will ever fade away

I looked at your Father and I smiled
He said it was time for me to go
Stumbling out into the morning
Hoping my feelings didn't show
I took you home, you took me in
I knew I'd never be the same again
Baby, isn't it funny how it started
Well you know

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10cc - Age Of Consent
10cc - Americana Panorama

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