Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 10cc > Last Night

Text Písně: Last Night - 10cc

Text Písně - Last Night - 10cc Text Písně - Last Night - 10cc
Překlad Písně - Last Night - 10cc Překlad Písně - Last Night - 10cc
Videoklip k Písni - Last Night - 10cc Videoklip k Písni - Last Night - 10cc
Karaoke k Písni - Last Night - 10cc Karaoke k Písni - Last Night - 10cc

Last night
You know you really really
made me appreciate my life
When you took me to the seventh floor
And closed the door
I didn't stand a chance
Oh oh that night
When my conscience was losing
in that age old fight
Now I've always been a non-believer
A true deceiver
A hit and run romance

Don't you know that when we turned out the light
We were riding on the crest of a tidal wave
Like we were ships in the night
Going nowhere

Last night
When the feeling was missing
but the mood was right
From the moment we took the floor
I knew for sure
We'd play the parts we're expected to
I've done it so many times

Man we're all inmates of the human zoo
Our bodies in control of our minds
I played the jester and you played the fool
You kept forgetting your lines
I had to prompt you with a bourbon or two
Huh, you planned to come all the time

But when we turned out the light
We were riding on the crest of a tidal wave
Like we were ships in the night
Going nowhere (nowhere)

Oh last night
You know you really really
gave me something to write about
In the morning it was just the same
I'd lost again
But it won't take me long to forget
Oh oh last night

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