Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > C > Classic Case > Revival

Text Písně: Revival - Classic Case

Text Písně - Revival - Classic Case Text Písně - Revival - Classic Case
Překlad Písně - Revival - Classic Case Překlad Písně - Revival - Classic Case
Videoklip k Písni - Revival - Classic Case Videoklip k Písni - Revival - Classic Case
Karaoke k Písni - Revival - Classic Case Karaoke k Písni - Revival - Classic Case

utilize formaldehyde
the motive is defective
cynical beyond control
the mechanism stalls

so why are you waiting?
i will die without your grace
so baby, enslave me
i'm too dimensional

calling your name
screaming in vain
i look around but you're not there anymore
calling your name
screaming in vain
i look around but you're not there

so go on and write me off
you've been stringing me along
so baby, enslave me
i promise i'll show you i care

calling your name
screaming in vain
i look around but you're not there anymore
calling your name
screaming in vain
i look around but you're not there
now i'm stranded in despair

one thing is leading to another
i'm giving up and going underground
until the controversy passes

calling your name
screaming in vain
i look around but you're not there anymore
calling your name
screaming in vain
i look around but you're not there
now i'm stranded in despair

Další písničky hudební skupiny Classic Case:

Classic Case - One One Three Four
Classic Case - Sub Rosa

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Classic Case:

Classic Case - Into a nightmare
Classic Case - Unsteady
Classic Case - Scott Free
Classic Case - Losing at Life
Classic Case - Devils Advocate

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