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Hudební skupiny > C > Classic Case > Losing at Life

Text Písně: Losing at Life - Classic Case

Text Písně - Losing at Life - Classic Case Text Písně - Losing at Life - Classic Case
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Karaoke k Písni - Losing at Life - Classic Case Karaoke k Písni - Losing at Life - Classic Case

Here i am losing at life
Maybe i set my goals to high
Gotta pull it together
Pull myself together

I ain't ever owned a thing
Ain't got no shred of decency
Gotta pull it together
Pull myself together

Nothing's changed it's no coincidence
I feel like i'm going under
Nothing's changed i can't get out of this
So why do i even bother

I need to reinvent myself
And i must escape this living hell
Gotta pull it together
Pull myself together

Nothing's changed
It's no coincidence i feel like i'm going under
Nothing's changed i can't get out of this
So why do i even bother

So why should i believe anything

Gotta pull it together gotta pull it together

Nothing's changed
It's no coincidence i feel like i'm going under
Nothing's changed i can't get out of this
So why do i even bother

Nothing's changed
It's no coincidence i feel like i'm going under
Nothing's changed i can't get out of this
So why do i even bother

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