Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 10cc > Good Morning Judge

Text Písně: Good Morning Judge - 10cc

Text Písně - Good Morning Judge - 10cc Text Písně - Good Morning Judge - 10cc
Překlad Písně - Good Morning Judge - 10cc Překlad Písně - Good Morning Judge - 10cc
Videoklip k Písni - Good Morning Judge - 10cc Videoklip k Písni - Good Morning Judge - 10cc
Karaoke k Písni - Good Morning Judge - 10cc Karaoke k Písni - Good Morning Judge - 10cc

Well good morning Judge, how are you today
I'm in trouble, please put me away
A pretty thing took a shine to me
I couldn't stop her so I let it be
I couldn't stop her so I let it be
I couldn't stop her so I let it be
I couldn't stop her so I let it be

He didn't do it, he wasn't there
He didn't want it, he wouldn't dare

Well good morning Judge, yes I'm back again
I'm in trouble, so it's back to the pen
I found a car but I couldn't pay
I fell in love and I drove it away
I fell in love and I drove it away
I fell in love and I drove it away
I fell in love and I drove it away

He didn't do it, he wasn't there
He didn't want it, he wouldn't dare

I didn't do it, I wasn't there
I didn't want it, I wouldn't dare

Alcatraz is like a home sweet home
I'm so wanted and I'm never alone
San Quentin is the place to be
I'm so happy I don't wanna be free
So happy I don't wanna be free
So happy I don't wanna be free
So happy I don't wanna be free

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10cc - Grow Old With Me
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10cc - Don't Turn Me Away
10cc - Head Room

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny 10cc:

10cc - 24 Hours
10cc - 4% Of Something
10cc - Action Man In A Motown Suit
10cc - Age Of Consent
10cc - Americana Panorama

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