Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 10cc > Don't Turn Me Away

Text Písně: Don't Turn Me Away - 10cc

Text Písně - Don't Turn Me Away - 10cc Text Písně - Don't Turn Me Away - 10cc
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Karaoke k Písni - Don't Turn Me Away - 10cc Karaoke k Písni - Don't Turn Me Away - 10cc

You and I don't have to hurry
Take your time now don't you worry
Let me know what you're going through
There's a troubled look on your face
And it would only take the time
it takes, for me to talk to you

And now and then we've got to question
Am I right, I may be wrong
And the only way we can work it out
We've got to try to give and take
And it will only take the time
it takes for me to talk to you

But don't turn me away
Open up your eyes now
Making up will only take a minute
Don't turn me away
Listen what your heart say
Making up will only take a minute
Breaking up is hard to turn around

You can't be living in emptiness
You've been lonely too long
But don't go making me promises
When you know that you're wrong
You're not true
So when you find out where your heart is
Let me know
I'll be waiting for you

You and I don't have to hurry
Take your time now don't you worry
Let me know what you're going through
There's a troubled look on your face
And it would only take the time
it takes, for me to talk to you

But don't turn me away
Open up your eyes now
Making up will only take a minute
Don't turn me away
Listen what your heart say
Making up will only take a minute
But you know, well you know

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10cc - How'm I Ever Gonna Say Goodbye
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Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny 10cc:

10cc - 24 Hours
10cc - 4% Of Something
10cc - Action Man In A Motown Suit
10cc - Age Of Consent
10cc - Americana Panorama

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