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Hudební skupiny > B > Blood Red Throne > Arterial Lust

Text Písně: Arterial Lust - Blood Red Throne

Text Písně - Arterial Lust - Blood Red Throne Text Písně - Arterial Lust - Blood Red Throne
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Karaoke k Písni - Arterial Lust - Blood Red Throne Karaoke k Písni - Arterial Lust - Blood Red Throne

Blood spattered patterns of perpetual sin
Traces of orgasms spat from within
I tear you open to ecstatic display
Sweet taste of arterial spray
Blood frenzied perversion course through my veins
Haemorrhage maniac driven insane
Slit your wrists with a rusty barbed wire
The sight of blood takes my ecstasy higher

Filthfucking deathcore, pulsecutting whore
Tear liar slut! Arterial lust!

Depraved from dignity
Blood dimmed clarity
Demonic deprivation
Sexual amputation
I rip off my blood-soaked garments
Portray as the ultimate tyrant
I make you scream, I make you bleed
Trapped little lapdog, won't help to plead

A well-placed incision to see
Underneath red vessels are whole
My lust and desire squirting at me
I smear myself with warm life liquid
Plant my seeds of sickened hybrid
Disemboweled lifeless beauty
My fantasies, your duty

Další písničky hudební skupiny Blood Red Throne:

Blood Red Throne - Path Of Flesh
Blood Red Throne - Flesh To Destroy
Blood Red Throne - Ripsaw Resentment
Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis
Blood Red Throne - Smite

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Blood Red Throne:

Blood Red Throne - The Light The Hate
Blood Red Throne - Harme
Blood Red Throne - Your Cold Flesh
Blood Red Throne - Human Fraud
Blood Red Throne - Demand

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