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Text Písně: Human Fraud - Blood Red Throne

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Some issues will stay unanswered
Making room for speculation
The one thing we know for certain
Religious beliefs are based on mythology
Confirmed by history
And the very essence of human beings
Only the narrow minded
Refused to acknowledge and accept this

We cannot destroy you
Or convince you with logic
But we'll wait and rest assure;
Your faith will come to an end

The truth is without limit
Who's to claim it on human right creation
It the fear of decide
When killing is an act of a non-existing god

History repeats itself
It always has and always will
Its a question of viewing
Humanity in the right context

Therein lies the answer to the secret
It isn't hard to grasp or even understand
But it is threatening in its simplicity
And you cannot see it (and you cannot see it).

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Blood Red Throne - Throne Of Damnation
Blood Red Throne - Prove Yourself Dead
Blood Red Throne - Not Turgenjev But Close
Blood Red Throne - Ten Steps Of Purgatory

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Blood Red Throne:

Blood Red Throne - The Light The Hate
Blood Red Throne - Harme
Blood Red Throne - Your Cold Flesh

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