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Hudební skupiny > B > Biohazard > Scarred For Life

Text Písně: Scarred For Life - Biohazard

Text Písně - Scarred For Life - Biohazard Text Písně - Scarred For Life - Biohazard
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Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Memory, for all eternity
There forever of how it used to be
Scarred for life, try to forget the past
And if you hold your head up high
The sweet pain won't last
I can't seem to rid
this memory from my head
it's gonna rip and dig into my brain
until I'm dead
The pain and anguish just won't go away
I'm frightened to believe in God
who I just might betray
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Stigmitazed, you will realize
That this fucked up world
sees through shaded eyes
Through my scars, every victim has cried
"Time will heal all of your wounds"
Who ever told me that died
I can't seem to rid
this memory from my head
Scarred for life
it's gonna rip and dig into my brain
until I'm dead
Scarred for life
The pain and anguish just won't go away
Scarred for life
I'm frightened to believe in God
who I just might betray
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Scarred for life
Scarred for life

Další písničky hudební skupiny Biohazard:

Biohazard - Uncivilization
Biohazard - Wide Awake
Biohazard - Get Away
Biohazard - Unified
Biohazard - Gone

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Biohazard:

Biohazard - World On Fire
Biohazard - Never Forgive, Never Forget
Biohazard - Kill Or Be Killed
Biohazard - Heads Kicked In
Biohazard - Beaten Senseless

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