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Hudební skupiny > B > Biohazard > Breakdown

Text Písně: Breakdown - Biohazard

Text Písně - Breakdown - Biohazard Text Písně - Breakdown - Biohazard
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Karaoke k Písni - Breakdown - Biohazard Karaoke k Písni - Breakdown - Biohazard

Unjustified, persecution of my free mind.
I'm horrified, the cruel nature of you and your kind
Crucified for just trying to be myself.
Suicide, I'd rather die than live in your hell.

I will not break, I will not bend,
I will not go quietly, I will never bow down to them.

I close my eyes, I can see more clearly,
You criticize the things I hold dearly
You victimize because you fear me
It's your demise, you should have let me be.

You won't break me down.

The harder I swim against the tide the more it pulls me down
Feel the pressure on my life, as I struggle and fight not to drown.
Why do you, why do you try to break me, you'll never break me down.
I'll never let you break me, you'll never break me down.

The more I try to live my life the harder you are on me
There is no wrong there is no right, what will it take for you to see?

Další písničky hudební skupiny Biohazard:

Biohazard - Inner Fear On
Biohazard - Abandon In Place
Biohazard - Skin
Biohazard - Camouflage
Biohazard - Decline

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Biohazard:

Biohazard - World On Fire
Biohazard - Never Forgive, Never Forget
Biohazard - Kill Or Be Killed
Biohazard - Heads Kicked In
Biohazard - Beaten Senseless

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