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Text Písně: Leader Of Men - Nickelback

Text Písně - Leader Of Men - Nickelback Text Písně - Leader Of Men - Nickelback
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Videoklip k Písni - Leader Of Men - Nickelback Videoklip k Písni - Leader Of Men - Nickelback
Karaoke k Písni - Leader Of Men - Nickelback Karaoke k Písni - Leader Of Men - Nickelback

Tell your friends not to think aloud
Until they swallow
Whisper things into my brain
Your voice sounds so hollow
I am not a leader of men
Since I prefer to follow
Do you think I could have a drink
Since it's so hard to swallow
So hard to swallow

So turn the television off
and I will sing a song
And if you suddenly have the urge
You can sing along

I touch your hand, I touch your face
I think the fruit is rotten
Give me lessons on how to breath
Cause I think I've forgotten
I think I've forgotten

One day, up to a cliff
That overlooked the water
I jumped in to save a girl
It was somebody's daughter
And now the ring is on my hand
It was given to me by her
To this day we all sit around
And dream of ways to get higher
To get much higher

Další písničky hudební skupiny Nickelback:

Nickelback - Old Enough
Nickelback - Worthy To Stay
Nickelback - Diggin' This
Nickelback - Deep
Nickelback - One Last Run

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Nickelback:

Nickelback - Hero
Nickelback - Far Away
Nickelback - Love Will Keep Us Together
Nickelback - Mistake
Nickelback - Slow Motion

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