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Text Písně: Everytime You Touch Me - Moby

Text Písně - Everytime You Touch Me - Moby Text Písně - Everytime You Touch Me - Moby
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Karaoke k Písni - Everytime You Touch Me - Moby Karaoke k Písni - Everytime You Touch Me - Moby

Is everybody under controls?

Oh....come and take me away
Oh....'cause everything is wrong today
I look the east, there are colors in the sky
The sun on my face, and oh I've started to cry

Is everybody under controls?

'Cause everytime you touch me I feel like I'm being born
Everytime you touch me I feel like I need some more
Love's all high, never feeling bad
Used to be alone now I feel so glad
Everytime you touch me I feel like I'm being born

Anytime you need some peace
Come along, and stay with me
The forest burns, there are fires in the sky

Is everybody under controls?

'Cause everytime you touch me I feel like I'm being born
Everytime you touch me I feel like I need some more
Loves all high, never feeling bad
Used to be alone now I feel so glad
Everytime you touch me I feel like I'm being born

(colors in the sky)

One time in your face we've got be free C'MON!
One time in your face the bop's still with me
'Cause I put it to the left, put it to the right
I sing song, we never uptight
Want everybody just feel alright
My sing chorus will make you exite

'Cause everytime you touch me I feel like I'm being born
(word's out, c'mon people!)
Every time you touch me I feel like I need some more
(Sound system's rockin' myself)
Love's all high, never feeling bad
Used to be alone, now I feel so glad
Everytime you touch me I feel like I'm being born
(I ain't looking to do that...Do it to me!)
'Cause everytime you touch me I feel like I'm being born
(Beautiful people, now!)
Everytime you touch me I feel like I need some more
(Just come to thy self esteem)
Love's all high, never feeling bad
Used to be alone, now I feel so glad
Everytime you touch me I feel like I'm being born
(Sound system's rockin' myself)

Další písničky hudební skupiny Moby:

Moby - Bring Back My Happiness
Moby - What Love
Moby - Into The Blue
Moby - When It's Cold I'd Like To Die
Moby - Raining Again

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Moby:

Moby - Flower
Moby - Extreme Ways
Moby - Porcelain
Moby - Natural Blues
Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad

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