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Hudební skupiny > M > Jesse McCartney > WHY DON'T YOU KISS HER

Text Písně: WHY DON'T YOU KISS HER - Jesse McCartney

Text Písně - WHY DON'T YOU KISS HER - Jesse McCartney Text Písně - WHY DON'T YOU KISS HER - Jesse McCartney
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Videoklip k Písni - WHY DON'T YOU KISS HER - Jesse McCartney Videoklip k Písni - WHY DON'T YOU KISS HER - Jesse McCartney
Karaoke k Písni - WHY DON'T YOU KISS HER - Jesse McCartney Karaoke k Písni - WHY DON'T YOU KISS HER - Jesse McCartney

We're the best of friends
And we share our secrets
She knows everything that is on my mind
Lately somethings changed
As I lie awake in my bed
A voice here inside my head
Softly says

Why don't you kiss her
Why don't you tell her
Why don't you let her see
The feelings that you hide
'Cause she'll never know
If you never show
The way you feel inside

Oh im so afraid to make that first move
Just a touch and we
Could cross the line
Everytime she's near
I wanna never let her go
Confess to her what my heart knows
Hold her close

Why don't you kiss her
Why don't you tell her
Why don't you let her see
The feelings that you hide
'Cause she'll never know
If you never show
The way you feel inside

What would you say
I wonder would she just turn away
Or would she promise me
That she's here to stay
It hurts me to wait
I keep asking myself

Why don't you kiss her (tell her you love her)
Why don't u tell her (tell her you need her)
Why don't you let her see
The feelings that you hide
'Cause she'll never know
If you never show
The way you feel inside...

Why don't you kiss her?

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