Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > B > Beseech > Innerlane

Text Písně: Innerlane - Beseech

Text Písně - Innerlane - Beseech Text Písně - Innerlane - Beseech
Překlad Písně - Innerlane - Beseech Překlad Písně - Innerlane - Beseech
Videoklip k Písni - Innerlane - Beseech Videoklip k Písni - Innerlane - Beseech
Karaoke k Písni - Innerlane - Beseech Karaoke k Písni - Innerlane - Beseech

I feel it move two steps behind
Moving fast into the night
Flashing lights keeps passing by
See the pain that's in their eyes
A screaming child what have I done
See the cold has gripped their spines
Turn around I'm not alone
Lost my faith I'm on my way
Thing's you've said
Thing's you've done
When someone else controls your mind
You'll get worse before the end
You cannot feel you can just bleed
Cannot feel can just bleed
Bleeding under cold street lights
People scream they're all afraid
Blame myself is this my fault
A growing seed of evil deeds
A sickness that has gone to far
Closing in t he chase is on
Turning back is not my choice
Lost my faith I'm on my way
Thing's you've said
Thing's you've done
When someone else controls your mind
You'll get worse before the end
You cannot feel you can just bleed
Cannot feel can just bleed

Další písničky hudební skupiny Beseech:

Beseech - The Outpost
Beseech - The Outpost
Beseech - A Bittersweet Tragedy
Beseech - A Bittersweet Tragedy
Beseech - Everytime I die

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Beseech:

Beseech - Lost
Beseech - Lost
Beseech - Innerlane

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