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Hudební skupiny > B > Berzerker > Cannibal Rights

Text Písně: Cannibal Rights - Berzerker

Text Písně - Cannibal Rights - Berzerker Text Písně - Cannibal Rights - Berzerker
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Karaoke k Písni - Cannibal Rights - Berzerker Karaoke k Písni - Cannibal Rights - Berzerker

Devouring my last rites,
without thoughts of changing,
to have my life taken away,
inheriting the skills of,
the dead to hunt and live,
the dead to hunt and die,
because that is our only way,
Never understanding,
tomorrow never comes,
waiting and believing,
that they have got it wrong,
why are we made to suffer,
for their ignorance,
to me it makes no sense,
Devouring my last rites,
without thoughts of changing,
to have my life taken away.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Berzerker:

Berzerker - Massacre
Berzerker - Massacre
Berzerker - Chronological Order Of Purifaction
Berzerker - Chronological Order Of Purifaction
Berzerker - Deform

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Berzerker:

Berzerker - Wisdom And Corruption
Berzerker - Wisdom And Corruption
Berzerker - Unforgotten Force
Berzerker - Unforgotten Force
Berzerker - Caught In The Crossfire

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