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Text Písně: Got dynamite - Demi Lovato

Text Písně - Got dynamite - Demi Lovato Text Písně - Got dynamite - Demi Lovato
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Karaoke k Písni - Got dynamite - Demi Lovato Karaoke k Písni - Got dynamite - Demi Lovato

I can't take your hand and
Lead you to the water
I can't make you feel
What you don't feel but you know you wanna
Find out how to crack me
Log in try to hack me

Underneath the surface
There's so much you need to know
But you might feel like you're drowning
But that's what I need to let go

Tell me what you've got to break down the walls
You just might need dynamite
Tell me what you've got to break down the walls
Kick senseless my defenses

Tell me what you're ganna do
I need you to light the fuse
Tell me what you've got to break down the walls
You just might need dynamite

Got dynamite

I can't paint this picture
Just so you can hang it
I can't wait? if you just don't get it

Underneath the surface
There's so much you need to know
But you might feel like you're drowning
But that's what I need to let go

Tell me what you've got to break down the walls
You just might need dynamite
Tell me what you've got to break down the walls
Kick senseless my defenses

Tell me what you're ganna do
I need you to light the fuse
Tell me what you've got to break down the walls
You just might need dynamite

When the walls come crashing down
I hope you're standing right in front of me
Where my past lies all around me
All you need to save me is to intervene
And make the walls come crashing down

I got dynamite

Tell me what you've got to break down the walls
You just might need dynamite
Tell me what you've got to break down the walls
Kick senseless my defenses

Tell me what you're ganna do
I need you to light the fuse
Tell me what you've got to break down the walls
You just might need dynamite

I got dynamite
I got dynamite

Další písničky hudební skupiny Demi Lovato:

Demi Lovato - Catch me
Demi Lovato - Here we go again
Demi Lovato - U Got Nothin' On Me
Demi Lovato - Falling Over Me
Demi Lovato - Stop the World

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Demi Lovato:

Demi Lovato - This Is Me
Demi Lovato - Get Back
Demi Lovato - Two Worlds Collide
Demi Lovato - La La Land
Demi Lovato - Don´t Forget

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