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Text Písně: The Jonah - King Diamond

Text Písně - The Jonah - King Diamond Text Písně - The Jonah - King Diamond
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Videoklip k Písni - The Jonah - King Diamond Videoklip k Písni - The Jonah - King Diamond
Karaoke k Písni - The Jonah - King Diamond Karaoke k Písni - The Jonah - King Diamond

After 7 Years On A Dusty Shelf
The Book Seemed Unreal
For 7 Years In An Ancient Rhyme
The Fate Of A Girl Was Sealed

In The Attic I Was Searching By The Moonlight
What Would I Find

Old And Grey From Dust I felt It Staring Back
Oh That Book

Yellow Pages Caught My Eyes, So Unreal
Through the Dust Of Time

In An Ancient Rhyme The Truth Had Been Sealed
On A Broken Shelf It Would All Be Revealed

It Had Been There For Years
And No One Ever Knew
Now Break The Spell And Free The Girl
From The Candle Of Fate
Look At The Flame And Say The Rhyme
The End Is Near, No More Pain, Ah You're Free

Solo: Mike - Andy

As The Candle Melts Away The Spirit Of The Candle Girl
Emerges From The Flame, She Doesn't Seem The See
With A Smile On Her Face She Starts To Speak
Hear My Story

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King Diamond - The Candle
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King Diamond - Omens

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