Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > B > Belinda > Your Hero

Text Písně: Your Hero - Belinda

Text Písně - Your Hero - Belinda Text Písně - Your Hero - Belinda
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Videoklip k Písni - Your Hero - Belinda Videoklip k Písni - Your Hero - Belinda
Karaoke k Písni - Your Hero - Belinda Karaoke k Písni - Your Hero - Belinda

Human race seems so amused
By the news of everyday
We got to forget the paralyzed
there's no reaction
we got used to being surrended by disasters
but it's time to face the truth
Now it's time to make ammends

your hero can save me
cause we don't like the happy ending movies
your hero ooh

Only tragedy is around
Name these countries we consider far from home
but they're nearest than we know
now we gotta make ammends
just because

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Your hero
can save me
cause we don't like the happy ending movies
Your hero (your hero)
Can save the world

From all the times we crossed the lines
and made the same mistakes
your hero

Your hero (your hero)
Can save me (can save me)
cause we don't like the happy ending movies
Your Hero (your hero)
Can save the world
From all the times we crossed the lines
and made the same mistakes

your hero
your hero.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Belinda:

Belinda - Your Hero
Belinda - At the end of the day
Belinda - At the end of the day
Belinda - Bella Traicion (Pop Version)
Belinda - Bella Traicion (Pop Version)

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Belinda:

Belinda - Leave A Light On
Belinda - Leave A Light On
Belinda - Mad About You
Belinda - Mad About You
Belinda - I Get Weak

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