Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > B > Belinda > If We Were

Text Písně: If We Were - Belinda

Text Písně - If We Were - Belinda Text Písně - If We Were - Belinda
Překlad Písně - If We Were - Belinda Překlad Písně - If We Were - Belinda
Videoklip k Písni - If We Were - Belinda Videoklip k Písni - If We Were - Belinda
Karaoke k Písni - If We Were - Belinda Karaoke k Písni - If We Were - Belinda

Maybe I´ll treat you better
Maybe I´ll be your friend
Maybe I´ll wear your sweater
Maybe I´ll find some time
To go shopping
And buy you nicer clothes
´Cause the ones you´ve got have got to go
I´ll cook your dinner
Put some meat on those bones

That´s the least I could do
I´d be so good for you

I build you up
I´ll be the best
You´d have it all
If we were, if we were
You´d never be
So d.amn depressed
If we were, if we were
I build you up
You´d never rest
If we were, if we were
We´d be the most beautiful mess
If we were forever...

Maybe I´ll do your laundry
Maybe I´ll scratch your back
Tell you I adore you
Make you feel like a man
And all of that
Now wouldn´t that be nice?
And you´ve got a life, wouldn´t think less
I´ll drive you crazy for the rest of your life

That´s the least I could do
I´d be so good to you

I build you up
I´ll be the best
You´d have it all
If we were, if we were
You´d never be
So d.amn depressed
If we were, if we were
I build you up
You´d never rest
If we were, if we were
We´d be the most beautiful mess
If we were forever...

You don´t realize what your missing
All the huggin´, all the kissin´
Shut up and listen to me

But we´re not
I forgot

I build you up
I´ll be the best
You´d have it all
If we were, if we were
You´d never be
So d.amn depressed
If we were, if we were
I build you up
You´d never rest
If we were, if we were
We´d be the most beautiful mess
If we were forever...

You don´t realize what your missing
All the huggin´, all the kissin´
Shut up and listen to me

But we´re not
I forgot

Další písničky hudební skupiny Belinda:

Belinda - If We Were
Belinda - Never Enough
Belinda - Never Enough
Belinda - Vivir
Belinda - Vivir

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Belinda:

Belinda - Leave A Light On
Belinda - Leave A Light On
Belinda - Mad About You
Belinda - Mad About You
Belinda - I Get Weak

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