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Hudební skupiny > G > Guano Apes > Scapegoat

Text Písně: Scapegoat - Guano Apes

Text Písně - Scapegoat - Guano Apes Text Písně - Scapegoat - Guano Apes
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Karaoke k Písni - Scapegoat - Guano Apes Karaoke k Písni - Scapegoat - Guano Apes

I will pray to lord
I run too far away from home

But I, when I will cross the sea alone
cos' I can feel the energy
when the lord's been crying
too many years

I will walk away for them
I see their thoughts in me again

But I, when I will dream this dream again
cos' I can take this blame on me now

when the lord has been crying for me
is my lord really crying
this long time for me?
for me again

But I, when I will dream this dream again
cos' I can take this blame on me now

Další písničky hudební skupiny Guano Apes:

Guano Apes - Crossing The Deadline
Guano Apes - Wash It Down
Guano Apes - Tribute
Guano Apes - Move A Little Closer
Guano Apes - Innocent Greed

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Guano Apes:

Guano Apes - Living in a lie
Guano Apes - Move A Little Closer
Guano Apes - Cuts
Guano Apes - Don't You Turn Your Back On Me (Frosen)
Guano Apes - Don't You Turn Your Back On Me (Original)

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