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Text Písně: Punk - Gorillaz

Text Písně - Punk - Gorillaz Text Písně - Punk - Gorillaz
Překlad Písně - Punk - Gorillaz Překlad Písně - Punk - Gorillaz
Videoklip k Písni - Punk - Gorillaz Videoklip k Písni - Punk - Gorillaz
Karaoke k Písni - Punk - Gorillaz Karaoke k Písni - Punk - Gorillaz


Try to see myself what goes on.
Make it up myself, I'll never.
Always told my thoughts aloud,
then another day I shut up.

Back to the sand,
doing what you can.
Bound to be gone,
Danged a loser.
Found out right then they were fed up,
cause everybody said to shut up.


Thought you might care what goes on.
Try to say "what up?"; i'm fed up.
Everybody said to shut up,
the last time I told them "what up?"

Down with the sun,
I knew that I was done.
Did it to my self,
Did it to my self, and then.
All this time I said I've been fed up
Cause everybody tells me "shut up".

Další písničky hudební skupiny Gorillaz:

Gorillaz - Sound Check (Gravity)
Gorillaz - 19-2000
Gorillaz - Srarshin
Gorillaz - Slow Country
Gorillaz - M1 A1

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Gorillaz:

Gorillaz - 12d3
Gorillaz - Faust
Gorillaz - Ghost Train
Gorillaz - Hip Albatross
Gorillaz - Rock It

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