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Text Písně: Every Planet We Reach Is Dead - Gorillaz

Text Písně - Every Planet We Reach Is Dead - Gorillaz Text Písně - Every Planet We Reach Is Dead - Gorillaz
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Karaoke k Písni - Every Planet We Reach Is Dead - Gorillaz Karaoke k Písni - Every Planet We Reach Is Dead - Gorillaz

I lost my leg like I lost my way
So no loose sounds
Nothing to see me down
How are we going to work this out?

Dreams aren't bad, I had turned back
I love the gun
But God only knows it's
Getting hard to see the sun coming through
I love you...
But what are we going to do?

Picture on the dreamer
I'll take you deeper
Down to the sleepy glow
Time is a low..
Don't you know?
What are we going to do?

When you go back
All the second selfless days
You're in love with him
I want to see you again
I love you...
But what are we going to do?

Další písničky hudební skupiny Gorillaz:

Gorillaz - Fire Coming Out Of A Monkey's Head
Gorillaz - Kids With Guns
Gorillaz - Last Living Souls
Gorillaz - November Has Come
Gorillaz - O Green World

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Gorillaz:

Gorillaz - 12d3
Gorillaz - Faust
Gorillaz - Ghost Train
Gorillaz - Hip Albatross
Gorillaz - Rock It

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