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Hudební skupiny > E > Edguy > Key To My Fate

Text Písně: Key To My Fate - Edguy

Text Písně - Key To My Fate - Edguy Text Písně - Key To My Fate - Edguy
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Videoklip k Písni - Key To My Fate - Edguy Videoklip k Písni - Key To My Fate - Edguy
Karaoke k Písni - Key To My Fate - Edguy Karaoke k Písni - Key To My Fate - Edguy

Am I totally blind this time when I'm dreamin'
The dreams that I fear, some call it nightmare
And some call it life, what is the sense of
Existing in here
And I think of the sadness when I'm dreamin' of
Leavin' the pain I don't get all that madness
And it drives me insane

Now hear me cry, I'm in quest
Of the key to my fate
I might be nigh to the key
In the abyss of hate

Annihilation in my brain
What is the price that we will be to pay
When will you lift our little poor souls
When will you take us oh lord away

Oh when will we die
Why to suffer to stand up right
We are victims of time
We have to fight till the end is in sight

What's the reason to carry on
What's the reason to fall
After days of living hall
After we had to crawl,

Are we totally blind this time
Can't you tell me the nexus of freedom
And pain and desires and hate
And even the holy ones

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Edguy - Sacred Hell
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Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Edguy:

Edguy - Matrix.
Edguy - DVD trailer!
Edguy - Ministry Of Saints
Edguy - Sex Fire Religion
Edguy - The Pride Of Creation

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