Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > B > Barlow Girl > You Led me

Text Písně: You Led me - Barlow Girl

Text Písně - You Led me - Barlow Girl Text Písně - You Led me - Barlow Girl
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Videoklip k Písni - You Led me - Barlow Girl Videoklip k Písni - You Led me - Barlow Girl
Karaoke k Písni - You Led me - Barlow Girl Karaoke k Písni - You Led me - Barlow Girl

Good morning
The night is over and gone
I thought once
This dark would last for so long
Pre Chorus
Feel the sunlight
On my face
You have brought me
Through this place
Jesus, Jesus You found me
Through the long night you led me
You set me free
Do you see
Just what you've done in my life?
You gave me
More then I hoped for; now I
Pre Chorus
feel your sunlight
On my face
You have brought me
Through this place
Pre Chorus

Další písničky hudební skupiny Barlow Girl:

Barlow Girl - You Led me
Barlow Girl - Barlow Girl - Surrender
Barlow Girl - Barlow Girl - Surrender
Barlow Girl - Porcelain Heart
Barlow Girl - Porcelain Heart

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Barlow Girl:

Barlow Girl - Never Alone
Barlow Girl - Never Alone
Barlow Girl - I need you to love me
Barlow Girl - I need you to love me

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