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Text Písně: 1000 Points Of Light - Bruce Dickinson

Text Písně - 1000 Points Of Light - Bruce Dickinson Text Písně - 1000 Points Of Light - Bruce Dickinson
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Karaoke k Písni - 1000 Points Of Light - Bruce Dickinson Karaoke k Písni - 1000 Points Of Light - Bruce Dickinson

You can sail in the desert with a ship of fools
You can smuggle in Mozes and his book of rules
But you can’t take a mother and give her back her son
What kind of freedom is bought with a gun?

People like to build their prison walls
When they’re afraid to look inside a

Thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won’t bring the dead back from the cold

Political speaches they’re laying in the mud
Nothing else matters but money and blood
Tell me your freedom is do what you like
There’s a world gone crazy ‘cause it can’t say no

People like to build their prison walls
When they’re afraid to look inside a

Thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won’t bring the dead back from the cold

A thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won’t bring the dead back from the cold

There should be time for love
But there’s too much room for hate
Too much sliding of the truth
Too much abuse of wasted youth
There’s a time for dying and a time for living too
Had enough of realize, had enough of your alibis

A thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won’t bring the dead back from the cold
A thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won’t bring the dead back from the cold

Další písničky hudební skupiny Bruce Dickinson:

Bruce Dickinson - Laughing In The Hiding Bush
Bruce Dickinson - Change Of Heart
Bruce Dickinson - Shoot All The Clowns
Bruce Dickinson - Fire
Bruce Dickinson - Sacred Cowboys

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Bruce Dickinson:

Bruce Dickinson - Tears of the Dragon
Bruce Dickinson - Mars Within (Intro)
Bruce Dickinson - Mars Within (Intro)
Bruce Dickinson - Abduction
Bruce Dickinson - Soul Intruders

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