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Hudební skupiny > B > Barenaked Ladies > Christmastime (oh Yeah)

Text Písně: Christmastime (oh Yeah) - Barenaked Ladies

Text Písně - Christmastime (oh Yeah) - Barenaked Ladies Text Písně - Christmastime (oh Yeah) - Barenaked Ladies
Překlad Písně - Christmastime (oh Yeah) - Barenaked Ladies Překlad Písně - Christmastime (oh Yeah) - Barenaked Ladies
Videoklip k Písni - Christmastime (oh Yeah) - Barenaked Ladies Videoklip k Písni - Christmastime (oh Yeah) - Barenaked Ladies
Karaoke k Písni - Christmastime (oh Yeah) - Barenaked Ladies Karaoke k Písni - Christmastime (oh Yeah) - Barenaked Ladies

Now that all the snow has fallen
It's crunching in below my feet
And all the Christmas lights are shining
On houses up and down my street
And I can see the happy families inside
If only for a moment, it's Christmas time

I think I see the children down the street
Here they come caroling
Now we can hear them, they sing "Oh yeah"

Mr. Johnson bought a Christmas tree
He set it up with his family
They're opening their presents big and small
Mr. Johnson got a big, brown, bowling ball
And Sally got a pair of brand new skates
And Jimmy got a box of frosty flakes
He knows that there's a special little prize inside
What a happy moment, it's Christmas time

The carolers are standing in line
They sing, "Oh yeah"
Oh yeah

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