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Text Písně: Baby Seat - Barenaked Ladies

Text Písně - Baby Seat - Barenaked Ladies Text Písně - Baby Seat - Barenaked Ladies
Překlad Písně - Baby Seat - Barenaked Ladies Překlad Písně - Baby Seat - Barenaked Ladies
Videoklip k Písni - Baby Seat - Barenaked Ladies Videoklip k Písni - Baby Seat - Barenaked Ladies
Karaoke k Písni - Baby Seat - Barenaked Ladies Karaoke k Písni - Baby Seat - Barenaked Ladies

You left Billy with the kid
And all the selfless things you did with Billy
You left your home town in the spring
And turned your back on everything
You thought your life would just go by
Without a pause to wonder, don't be silly

But you can't live your life in the baby seat
You've got to stand on your own
Don't admit defeat

He came down from his retreat
She saw him later on the street
He said "You are the only one
to recognize that I'm the son"
So she bent down and kissed his feet
And then that night, between the sheets she told him

You can't live your life in the baby seat
You've got to stand on your own
Don't admit defeat
You can't live your life in the baby seat
You've got to stand on your own
Don't admit defeat

40 days at sea
Then she turned and said to me
"If we make it back
I'll renounce Jack Kerouac
And all that romantic crap
Like I'm an artist don't look back"

Now we're living somewhere else
We keep opinions to ourselves
But still we seek a sneaky peek at heaven
When the working week defeats us
If you think growing up is tough
Then you've just not grown enough, baby

You can't live your life in the baby seat
You've got to stand on your own
Don't admit defeat
You can't live your life in the baby seat
You've got to stand on your own
Don't admit defeat

Další písničky hudební skupiny Barenaked Ladies:

Barenaked Ladies - Bank Job
Barenaked Ladies - Bank Job
Barenaked Ladies - Beautiful
Barenaked Ladies - Beautiful
Barenaked Ladies - Blame It On Me

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Barenaked Ladies:

Barenaked Ladies - A
Barenaked Ladies - A
Barenaked Ladies - Adrift
Barenaked Ladies - Adrift
Barenaked Ladies - Alcohol

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