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Hudební skupiny > B > Barenaked Ladies > Am I The Only One?

Text Písně: Am I The Only One? - Barenaked Ladies

Text Písně - Am I The Only One? - Barenaked Ladies Text Písně - Am I The Only One? - Barenaked Ladies
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Videoklip k Písni - Am I The Only One? - Barenaked Ladies Videoklip k Písni - Am I The Only One? - Barenaked Ladies
Karaoke k Písni - Am I The Only One? - Barenaked Ladies Karaoke k Písni - Am I The Only One? - Barenaked Ladies

Am I the only one who gets to make you laugh,
Laugh until you cry?
Am I the only one who asks you to go,
Go on without me?
Am I the only one who loves when you leave
your hair down in front of your eyes?

And who do you think I am?
And who do you think I'll be without you?

Am I the only one who had to dress you up
To see how you fell down?
Am I the only one who needs you to go,
Go on about me?
Am I the only one who loves when you leave
your hair down in front of your eyes?


Další písničky hudební skupiny Barenaked Ladies:

Barenaked Ladies - Am I The Only One?
Barenaked Ladies - Angry People
Barenaked Ladies - Angry People
Barenaked Ladies - Another Postcard
Barenaked Ladies - Another Postcard

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Barenaked Ladies:

Barenaked Ladies - A
Barenaked Ladies - A
Barenaked Ladies - Adrift
Barenaked Ladies - Adrift
Barenaked Ladies - Alcohol

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