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Hudební skupiny > B > Black Sabbath > Can't Get Close Enough

Text Písně: Can't Get Close Enough - Black Sabbath

Text Písně - Can't Get Close Enough - Black Sabbath Text Písně - Can't Get Close Enough - Black Sabbath
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Karaoke k Písni - Can't Get Close Enough - Black Sabbath Karaoke k Písni - Can't Get Close Enough - Black Sabbath

How many tears must we cry before learning,
Things that we have they're for real and we're losing,
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
Why do you believe that we've got something coming,
You took it all, left me standing here with nothing,
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away,
Too far away.
In your world you must be dreaming, if you think you can survive,
Taking all and giving nothing that's a crime.
What makes you something special, what about me, I'm here too,
You don't care what I'm feeling and that's the truth.
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
All I need is understanding and the right to survive,
Only you could see the warnings, and pass them by.
What makes you something special, what about me, I'm here too,
You don't care what I'm feeling and that's the truth.
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
Too far away.
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
How many tears must we cry before learning,
Things that we had they're for real and we're losing,
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
Too far away, too far away, too far away.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Black Sabbath:

Black Sabbath - Shaking Off The Chains
Black Sabbath - I Won't Cry For You
Black Sabbath - Guilty As Hell
Black Sabbath - Sick And Tired
Black Sabbath - Rusty Angels

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Black Sabbath:

Black Sabbath - Iron man
Black Sabbath - Neon Knights
Black Sabbath - Lady Evil
Black Sabbath - Heaven And Hell
Black Sabbath - Die Young

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