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Text Písně: The Wicked End - Avenged Sevenfold

Text Písně - The Wicked End - Avenged Sevenfold Text Písně - The Wicked End - Avenged Sevenfold
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Karaoke k Písni - The Wicked End - Avenged Sevenfold Karaoke k Písni - The Wicked End - Avenged Sevenfold

Man's becoming more corrupt now, godless, wicked, and cruel
The soulless man stood silenced, Mary's "word" rang so true
Chastisement worse than the flood, spread the word, its all through
Don't kill the messenger girl
As if we haven't swam enough in this life of misery

Voice your prophecy, shed some light
Fell sorrow for mankids's chance to survive
Swallowed lies and swam in your own tears
A stab in the dark and it wounded our will
We won't be here tomorrow, hold on to me for one last time

We've grown in numbers six hundred sixty six
War breaks, a sign of the end, eternally expelled
Look to the sky for knowledge, the stars align tonight
Eclipse and heaven shall fall
Now I know I've seen it all in my life of misery

Voice your prophecy, shed some light
Fell sorrow for mankids's chance to survive
Swallowed lies and swam in your own tears
A stab in the dark and it wounded our will
We won't be here tomorrow, hold on to me for one last time

Dust the apple off, savor each bite
And deep inside you know Adam was right
Lust and power, indulgence, no fear
Left with is sins, how does this end?
We won't be here tomorrow, hold on to me for one last time

As the prophets shed the light on what's to come the crowds did gather
Your time is precious, they explained, no time to worry, messiah's coming
Don't go to sleep tonight, darling, hold me in your arms
These will be our final days and I can't let go

Walls are falling, churches burning, women ravaged, children crying
Flesh is tearing, some still fighting
In this world of misery

Voice your prophecy, shed some light
Fell sorrow for mankids's chance to survive
Swallowed lies and swam in your own tears
A stab in the dark and it wounded our will
We won't be here tomorrow, hold on to me for one last time

Další písničky hudební skupiny Avenged Sevenfold:

Avenged Sevenfold - Strength Of The World
Avenged Sevenfold - Betrayed
Avenged Sevenfold - And All Things Will End
Avenged Sevenfold - Desecrate Through Reverance
Avenged Sevenfold - Eternal Rest

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Avenged Sevenfold:

Avenged Sevenfold - Demons
Avenged Sevenfold - Girl I Know
Avenged Sevenfold - Crossroads
Avenged Sevenfold - Flash Of The Blade
Avenged Sevenfold - Until The End

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