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Text Písně: Vultures - Arch Enemy

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Breathing life into these mares where enemies turn into flesh
This is the abyss I fear the most
I feel their eyes staring at me

Waiting with carnivorous patience
Their memory timeless
For all they know I must succumb sometime…

A solemn cry rises to the sky as heavy wings blacken out
The morning sun with infinite darkness.
Am I dreaming or am I dead?

Waiting with carnivorous patience
Their memory timeless
For all they know I must succumb sometime…

In search for my heart
Lost in this hell
The vultures are soaring above
Tearing me apart

Screaming Voices in my head.
A sudden pain then deadly silence
Devouring the remains of my heart
I can feel it dying

Waiting with carnivorous patience
Their memory timeless
For all they know I must succumb sometime…

In search for my heart
Lost in this hell
The vultures are soaring above
Tearing me apart

Picking at the bones of my soul
Left me dead inside
The more I gave the more they took
Left me dead inside

In search for my heart
Forever Lost in this hell
The vultures are soaring above
Tearing me apart

Další písničky hudební skupiny Arch Enemy:

Arch Enemy - Taking Back My Soul
Arch Enemy - Nemesis
Arch Enemy - My Apocalypse
Arch Enemy - Carry The Cross
Arch Enemy - I Am Legend/Out For Blood

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Arch Enemy:

Arch Enemy - Beast Of Man
Arch Enemy - The Immortal
Arch Enemy - Diva Satanica
Arch Enemy - Demonic Science
Arch Enemy - Bury Me An Angel

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