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Text Písně: The Mysteries Of Love - Alphaville

Text Písně - The Mysteries Of Love - Alphaville Text Písně - The Mysteries Of Love - Alphaville
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Karaoke k Písni - The Mysteries Of Love - Alphaville Karaoke k Písni - The Mysteries Of Love - Alphaville

all i want is you, don't you know that
forever loving you, don't you know that it's true
i'm leaving you tonight but don't listen if they say
that we'll never meet again in the land of make believe
we cannot lose the race, breaking the secret spells
they put on us, my love
we're far out of their reach, a million years ahead
they never understand the mysteries of love

here's the mysteries of love
give your body to the mysteries
tear down your uniforms
here's the mysteries of love

all i want to be, don't you know it
all we wanna be is free like the birds of the sea
we kiss the last good byes and are sailing with a smile
'cross the iron borderline that butterflies despise
we cannot lose at all
breaking the secret spells they put on us, my love
forever out of reach, a million dreams ahead
they'll never understand
the mysteries of love

Další písničky hudební skupiny Alphaville:

Alphaville - Ariana
Alphaville - Heaven Or Hell
Alphaville - For A Million
Alphaville - Middle Of The Riddle
Alphaville - Anyway

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Alphaville:

Alphaville - Forever Young
Alphaville - Big In Japan
Alphaville - Sounds Like A Melody
Alphaville - Dance With Me
Alphaville - A Victory Of Love

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