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Text Písně: Fools - Alphaville

Text Písně - Fools - Alphaville Text Písně - Fools - Alphaville
Překlad Písně - Fools - Alphaville Překlad Písně - Fools - Alphaville
Videoklip k Písni - Fools - Alphaville Videoklip k Písni - Fools - Alphaville
Karaoke k Písni - Fools - Alphaville Karaoke k Písni - Fools - Alphaville

We waste our time with big illusions
Talking to the walls
But Jericho will never fall
We sold our trumpets long ago
Exchanging all the best we had
Into atomic masterplans
We read the books we had our chance
We spend the world for just one dance
So keep on dancing, all you fools
The cups of fury have been filled
So keep on dancing, all you clowns
Let's have sip before we're killed
So keep on dancing

These politicians make me sigh
Democracy is just a lie
As long as we are rich enough
Each government will do for us
We feed like vampires on the world
We are the first, they are the third
There ain't no hope, we had our chance
We spent the world for one last dance
7 seals
7 trumpets
7 plagues
7 cups
7 angels
The scarlet beast
Mother of harlots
Faithful and true

Další písničky hudební skupiny Alphaville:

Alphaville - Here By Your Side
Alphaville - In Bubblegum
Alphaville - Monkey In The Moon
Alphaville - Montego Bay
Alphaville - She Fades Away

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Alphaville:

Alphaville - Forever Young
Alphaville - Big In Japan
Alphaville - Sounds Like A Melody
Alphaville - Dance With Me
Alphaville - A Victory Of Love

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