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Text Písně: Love Letter - BUCK-TICK

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Love Letter

I'm Just A Simple madness man

Is this what you wanted
Is this what you wanted
Is this what you wanted
Is this what you wanted
Is this what you wanted
Is this what you wanted
Is this what you wanted

I wanna live Just like a bitch
Now what's your desire
You wanna make Just like the rich
Now what's your desire
are you honest are you honest
Is this what you wanted
are you honest are you honest
I need you

I wanna be like your dog
upside down and make a god
You wanna be like our gog
upside down for razz ma tazz
are you honest are you honest
Is this what you wanted
are you honest are you honest
I need you

Save my soul please
Show me the way
Save my soul please

Oh Please. Please take this love letter
I'm Just A Simple madness man
Oh Please. Please take this love letter
I'm Just A Simple madness man

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