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Text Písně: God Is Not With Us Today - Threats

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Here’s to your heroes what good did they do
Nothing but die and sell rubbish to you
A few shitty films and a handful of probs
A ton of imitators lining up for their jobs

Won’t name any names here you know who you are
Some that ODed and others died in a car
Why would you want to be just like one of these
Face full off burgers coronary disease
They all lived fast, died by accident
Your wearing the mask that they never meant
They all lived fast died by glaring mistake
Cloning the clones is more sad than a fake

Black leather jacket a sneer on the face
Losers that never finished the race
A kind of religion that grew over time
Guess they will never be heroes of mine

Still think it’s cool to be an icon
Now they’re all dead buried and gone
Remember the rights but never the wrongs
Moulding your life round some real tired song

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Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Threats:

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