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Hudební skupiny > A > Emilie Autumn > I Want My Innocence Back

Text Písně: I Want My Innocence Back - Emilie Autumn

Text Písně - I Want My Innocence Back - Emilie Autumn Text Písně - I Want My Innocence Back - Emilie Autumn
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Karaoke k Písni - I Want My Innocence Back - Emilie Autumn Karaoke k Písni - I Want My Innocence Back - Emilie Autumn

I want my Innocence back

I want my innocence back
And if you can't give it to me
I will cut you down
And I will run you through
With the dagger you sharpened
On my body and soul
Before you slit me in two
And then devoured me whole

I want my innocence back
I want my innocence back
I want my innocence back

I want my innocence back
And if you can't pacify me
I will break your bones
You think I'm bluffing, just try me
I will never forget
The words you used to ensnare me
Till my dying day
You'll suffer for this, I swear (I swear)

I want my innocence back
I want my innocence back
I want my innocence back

And I demand
You put my heart back in my hand
And wipe it clean
From the mess you made of me
And I require
You make me free from this desire
And when you leave, I'd better be the innocent
I used to be

I want my innocence back
I want my innocence back
I want my innocence back

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Emilie Autumn - Marry Me
Emilie Autumn - Dead Is The New Alive

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