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Hudební skupiny > P > Doro Pesch > Cry Wolf

Text Písně: Cry Wolf - Doro Pesch

Text Písně - Cry Wolf - Doro Pesch Text Písně - Cry Wolf - Doro Pesch
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Videoklip k Písni - Cry Wolf - Doro Pesch Videoklip k Písni - Cry Wolf - Doro Pesch
Karaoke k Písni - Cry Wolf - Doro Pesch Karaoke k Písni - Cry Wolf - Doro Pesch

We all learn the hard way
Like a ride on the rain
We like to keep the secrets
Tied and chained

Out there on the dark side
I can hear you call
It's so hard to believe you
I can't run no more

The last time you led 'em all astrey
But this time you gave yourself away

So Cry Wolf
and tell me it's for real
Cry Wolf
Since no one knows the way you feel
Cry Wolf
Your tears are never real
And no one comes to hear
When you Cry Wolf

We all feel the fences
Standing wide and tall
Wrapped around our senses
Made to fall

Outside in the real world
Deep inside your mind
Lies a lost deceiver
I won't wait in line

The last time you led 'em all astrey
But this time you gave yourself away

So Cry Wolf
and tell me it's for real
Cry Wolf
Since no one knows the way you feel
Cry Wolf
Your tears are never real
And no one comes to hear
When you Cry Wolf

So Cry Wolf
Cry Wolf
Cry yea!
Cry yea!


So Cry
Cry WoIf
And tell me it's for real
Cry Wolf
No one knows the way you feel
Cry Wolf
Your tears are never real
And no one comes to hear
When you Cry Wolf
Cry WoIf
Cry Wolf
Cry Wolf
Cry Wolf
Cry Wolf
Cry Wolf

Další písničky hudební skupiny Doro Pesch:

Doro Pesch - Under The Gun
Doro Pesch - River Of Tears
Doro Pesch - Bis Aufs Blut

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Doro Pesch:

Doro Pesch - Love Me In Black
Doro Pesch - Alive
Doro Pesch - All I Want
Doro Pesch - All Night
Doro Pesch - All We Are

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