Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > P > Doro Pesch > I'll Be Holding On

Text Písně: I'll Be Holding On - Doro Pesch

Text Písně - I'll Be Holding On - Doro Pesch Text Písně - I'll Be Holding On - Doro Pesch
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Videoklip k Písni - I'll Be Holding On - Doro Pesch Videoklip k Písni - I'll Be Holding On - Doro Pesch
Karaoke k Písni - I'll Be Holding On - Doro Pesch Karaoke k Písni - I'll Be Holding On - Doro Pesch

I have lived my life my way
For tonight and for today
Just the strongest hearts, they say
Always survive

And I'm fallin' through the years
All these dreams disappear
And the night is full of tears
I'll be holding on

Now this life is etched in black
And I won't be looking back
The rain washed away the tracks
I'll never find again

I'm still reachin' for the light
I'm still usin' up the night
And you know I'll be alright
I'll be holding on

When I stand alone
I don't need no memories
All the rest are gone
I'll be holding on

I know how it is
I don't steal no memories
Of all the ones you know
I'll be holding on

And my life is made of sand
It flows right through my hand
Each day I make a stand
And I see it through

I've been reachin' for the light
I've been usin' up the night
And you know I'll be alright
I'll be holding on

When I stand alone
I don't need no memories
Of all the ones you know
I'l be holding on

When I stand alone
I don't need no memories
When all the rest are gone
I'll be holding on

When I stand alone
I don't need no memories
When all the rest are gone
I'll be holding on

I know how it is
I know how it will be
All the rest are gone
But I'll be holding on

Další písničky hudební skupiny Doro Pesch:

Doro Pesch - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Doro Pesch - Rare Diamond
Doro Pesch - Broken
Doro Pesch - Alive
Doro Pesch - Mirage

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Doro Pesch:

Doro Pesch - Love Me In Black
Doro Pesch - Alive
Doro Pesch - All I Want
Doro Pesch - All Night
Doro Pesch - All We Are

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