Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 10 Years > Alabama

Text Písně: Alabama - 10 Years

Text Písně - Alabama - 10 Years Text Písně - Alabama - 10 Years
Překlad Písně - Alabama - 10 Years Překlad Písně - Alabama - 10 Years
Videoklip k Písni - Alabama - 10 Years Videoklip k Písni - Alabama - 10 Years
Karaoke k Písni - Alabama - 10 Years Karaoke k Písni - Alabama - 10 Years

Oh I know your kind.
You would kill your kin for the right price.
Oil and water are thicker than blood.
Oh I know your type.

Use us to get what you wanted.
You can't finish what you started.
Find it kind of funny how you try to rectify the damage.

Your failure to find compromise.
The walls are coming down.
Will you survive sacrifice or tumble to the ground?

Your lying to yourself.
And to everyone that knows your name.
You play the part of the fool so well.
Oh I know your type.

Use us to get what you wanted.
You can't even finish what you started.
Find it kind of funny how you try to rectify the damage.

Your failure to find compromise.
The walls are coming down.
Will you survive sacrifice or tumble to the ground?

Oh I know your type.

Your failure to find compromise.
The walls are coming down.
Will you survive sacrifice or tumble to the ground?

Další písničky hudební skupiny 10 Years:

10 Years - Dying Youth
10 Years - Russian Roulette
10 Years - Focus
10 Years - Actions & Motives
10 Years - Drug Of Choice

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny 10 Years:

10 Years - BLANK SHELL
10 Years - Day Dreamer
10 Years - Cycle Of Life
10 Years - Scream At The Walls
10 Years - Proud Of You

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