Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > P > Doro Pesch > Constant Danger

Text Písně: Constant Danger - Doro Pesch

Text Písně - Constant Danger - Doro Pesch Text Písně - Constant Danger - Doro Pesch
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Videoklip k Písni - Constant Danger - Doro Pesch Videoklip k Písni - Constant Danger - Doro Pesch
Karaoke k Písni - Constant Danger - Doro Pesch Karaoke k Písni - Constant Danger - Doro Pesch

Give my heart to any stranger
Through my heart out any door
Put my heart in constant danger
I don't want it any more
It just get's me in trouble
It just get's me in love
I fly high and then I stumble
The time has come to give it up

Don't you know I was an angel
Don't you know my heart was true
The I gave it to some devil
And he broke it all in two
I don't want it any more

You can learn all my hearts secrets
You might see gold and memories
Anything you find just keep it
It just don't mean a thing to me

Don't you know I was an angel
Don't you know my heart was true
The I gave it to some devil
And he broke it all in two
And I don't need it any more

Don't you know I was an angel
Don't you know my heart was true
The I gave it to some stranger
And he broke my heart in two
And I don't want it any more

Další písničky hudební skupiny Doro Pesch:

Doro Pesch - Black Rose
Doro Pesch - Now Or Never (Hope In The Darkest Hour)
Doro Pesch - Danke
Doro Pesch - Alone Again
Doro Pesch - I Want More

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Doro Pesch:

Doro Pesch - Love Me In Black
Doro Pesch - Alive
Doro Pesch - All I Want
Doro Pesch - All Night
Doro Pesch - All We Are

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