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Text Písně: Legends Never Die - Doro Pesch

Text Písně - Legends Never Die - Doro Pesch Text Písně - Legends Never Die - Doro Pesch
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Karaoke k Písni - Legends Never Die - Doro Pesch Karaoke k Písni - Legends Never Die - Doro Pesch

You were the god in the halls of time
You've seen them come and seen them go
Why can't you sleep at night
Maybe it's the glare of the light
Maybe it's something you'll never know

You heard the voice again last night
You're fooling yourself, this ain't no dream
Maybe it's not too late
You can still cheat the hand of fate
Just roll the dice and play the game

Legends never die
They keep the memory alive
Legends never die
They'll keep a part of you inside

You know you're not the way you seem
You're not a puppet on a string
Maybe it's not too late
You can still cheat the hand of fate
Just close your eyes and play the game

Tuesday morning New York Times
You passed away, you lost your mind, well . . .
We all try to play the game,
We all want to taste the fame
We'd sell our souls if the price is right

Legends never die
They keep the memory alive
Legends never die
They'll keep a part of you inside

Další písničky hudební skupiny Doro Pesch:

Doro Pesch - Rock Before We Bleed
Doro Pesch - Sister Darkness
Doro Pesch - Wild Heart
Doro Pesch - Fight By Your Side
Doro Pesch - Chained

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Doro Pesch:

Doro Pesch - Love Me In Black
Doro Pesch - Alive
Doro Pesch - All I Want
Doro Pesch - All Night
Doro Pesch - All We Are

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