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Text Písně: Wish I Could - Jones Norah

Text Písně - Wish I Could - Jones Norah Text Písně - Wish I Could - Jones Norah
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Videoklip k Písni - Wish I Could - Jones Norah Videoklip k Písni - Wish I Could - Jones Norah
Karaoke k Písni - Wish I Could - Jones Norah Karaoke k Písni - Wish I Could - Jones Norah

We met in a place I used to go,
Now I just walk by it for show,
Can't bear to go in without you know,
Wish I could,
Wish I could.

But Annie is standing in the door,
With a look on her face I can't just ignore,
She tells me that her heart is sore,
And pulls me in,
She pulls me in.

She says "love in the time of war is not fair",
"He was my man but they didn't care",
"Sent him far away from here",
"No goodbye",
"No goodbye".

I don't tell her that I once loved you too,
Or about all the things we used to do,
I kiss her hair and think of you,
Walking down ,
The road you found.

We met in a place I used to go,
Now I only walk by it slow,
Can't bear to go in without you know,
Wish I could,
Wish I could,
Wish I could,
Wish I could.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Jones Norah:

Jones Norah - Sinkin' Soon
Jones Norah - The Sun Doesn't Like You
Jones Norah - Until The End
Jones Norah - Not My Friend
Jones Norah - Thinking About You

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Jones Norah:

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