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Text Písně: Dressed To Depress - Murderdolls

Text Písně - Dressed To Depress - Murderdolls Text Písně - Dressed To Depress - Murderdolls
Překlad Písně - Dressed To Depress - Murderdolls Překlad Písně - Dressed To Depress - Murderdolls
Videoklip k Písni - Dressed To Depress - Murderdolls Videoklip k Písni - Dressed To Depress - Murderdolls
Karaoke k Písni - Dressed To Depress - Murderdolls Karaoke k Písni - Dressed To Depress - Murderdolls

I got a snotty nose
I got nappy hair
My mommy don’t love me
And my daddy don’t care, no
My sister’s a slut
And my brother’s a drunk
And I’m standing in the mirror now
Getting myself all dressed up

Everything’s okay
At least that’s what they say
One foot in the gutter
The other’s in the grave
Punch the clock I’m your slave
For the rest of my life 12 hours a day
No future, no way
I was born to lose and that’s okay
Dressed to, dressed to depress
You couldn’t ask for anything less
Dressed to, dressed to depress

My whole life’s a fucked up mess

Dressed to depress
You couldn’t ask for anything less
Dressed to, dressed to depress
My whole life is a fucked up mess

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Murderdolls - Dead In Hollywood

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