Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > A > Angie Hart > Blue - soundtrack (Buffy the vampire slayer)

Text Písně: Blue - soundtrack (Buffy the vampire slayer) - Angie Hart

Text Písně - Blue - soundtrack (Buffy the vampire slayer) - Angie Hart Text Písně - Blue - soundtrack (Buffy the vampire slayer) - Angie Hart
Překlad Písně - Blue - soundtrack (Buffy the vampire slayer) - Angie Hart Překlad Písně - Blue - soundtrack (Buffy the vampire slayer) - Angie Hart
Videoklip k Písni - Blue - soundtrack (Buffy the vampire slayer) - Angie Hart Videoklip k Písni - Blue - soundtrack (Buffy the vampire slayer) - Angie Hart
Karaoke k Písni - Blue - soundtrack (Buffy the vampire slayer) - Angie Hart Karaoke k Písni - Blue - soundtrack (Buffy the vampire slayer) - Angie Hart

Night falls
I fall
And where were you?
And where were you?

Warm skin
Wolf grin
And where were you?

I fell into the moon
And it covered you in blue
I fell into the moon
Can I make it right?
Can I spend the night?

High tide
The air is dew
And where were you?

While I
I died
And where were you?

I crawled out of the world
When you said I shouldn't stay
I crawled out of the world
Can I make it right?
Can I spend the night?

I fell into the moon
And it covered you in blue
I fell into the moon
Can I make it right?
Can I spend the night?

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