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Text Písně: Hands - Donna Lewis

Text Písně - Hands - Donna Lewis Text Písně - Hands - Donna Lewis
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Videoklip k Písni - Hands - Donna Lewis Videoklip k Písni - Hands - Donna Lewis
Karaoke k Písni - Hands - Donna Lewis Karaoke k Písni - Hands - Donna Lewis

under the red rose
under the yellow
under the open sky

come here
come to me
come sleep
lie with me
and watch the graceful little greenedged animals
enchant you

I could be here with you
if only you would free your way through
I could be safe with you
if only you would free your way through

lay your hands on me now
lay your words on me now
my love

lay your words on me now
lay your hands on me now
my love

this joy of adventure
crystal on crystal
surrounds you it's peaceful
oh I wonder if
seven roses later
was a fairy tale

I could be here with you......

Další písničky hudební skupiny Donna Lewis:

Donna Lewis - Sixth Sense
Donna Lewis - Blutides
Donna Lewis - After The Fire
Donna Lewis - Fearless
Donna Lewis - Moonbeam

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Donna Lewis:

Donna Lewis - At The Beginning
Donna Lewis - I Love You
Donna Lewis - Ireland
Donna Lewis - Pink Dress
Donna Lewis - Nowhere To Run

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