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Text Písně: Closing This Memory Down - Lee Ann Womack

Text Písně - Closing This Memory Down - Lee Ann Womack Text Písně - Closing This Memory Down - Lee Ann Womack
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Videoklip k Písni - Closing This Memory Down - Lee Ann Womack Videoklip k Písni - Closing This Memory Down - Lee Ann Womack
Karaoke k Písni - Closing This Memory Down - Lee Ann Womack Karaoke k Písni - Closing This Memory Down - Lee Ann Womack

The phone rang... I said, "Hello."
He said, "Can we talk baby?"
And I said, "Darlin' I'm closed for the night."
And he said, "Well, I saw a light."
Yeah, but there's nobody home
I think you're lookin' for someone or something
That's either missin' or gone

And I think it's time I hung a sign in the window
'Cause I'm tired, I'm so tired of my heart goin' broke
I'm goin' out of business
There's no need for you to come around
'Cause I'm closin' this memory down
I'm closin' this memory down
And then there was silence
You there always is
When one doesn't understand
The other has nothin' left to give tonight
Let it be closin' time
I can't go on livin' like this
I think you're lookin' for someone or something
That's either missin' or I just can't help you with
[Repeat Chorus]

You don't know how hard love worked
But just how badly love hurt to fail
The phone rang...I said, "Hello."
He said, "Can we talk baby?"
And I said, "Darlin' I'm closin' this memory down."
I'm closin' this memory down

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Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Lee Ann Womack:

Lee Ann Womack - Thinkin' With My Heart Again

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